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Easter 2025, 2026 and 2027 in Botswana

Easter in Botswana is celebrated differently than it is in other parts of the country.

202518 AprFriGood Friday
19 AprSatEaster Saturday
21 AprMonEaster Monday
20263 AprFriGood Friday
4 AprSatEaster Saturday
6 AprMonEaster Monday
202726 MarFriGood Friday
27 MarSatEaster Saturday
29 MarMonEaster Monday
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

For many children around the world, Easter is a time of bunnies, baskets of candy and painted eggs. Although some of these Western traditions have begun to make their way to Botswana, the celebrations there are much different.

Holiday Celebration

Because Botswana has a diverse culture, holidays that are specific to religion may not be recognised throughout the country. Many of those who live in Botswana are tribal, with different languages and cultures who celebrate their own religious holidays. Governmental offices and businesses are usually closed on Easter Monday while business is discouraged on Easter Sunday in most urban areas of the country. If employees follow a religion other than Christianity, they may choose a different holiday during the year that fits with their own religious celebration.

Traditions in Botswana

On Easter in Botswana, people who celebrate the holiday begin the day with a church service, much like many do in other parts of the year. Following church, there is a luncheon with many traditional foods and drinks. The luncheon may be prepared by the church community with members of the church attending or it could be a family meal prepared at home.

Changeable Date

Like the rest of the world, Easter does not fall on the same day each year in Botswana. Easter in Botswana is celebrated based on the Roman Catholic Gregorian calendar as it is in most countries. It is celebrated the Sunday after Palm Sunday, a day when Jesus is said to have entered Jerusalem and been received with palm leaves. He is crucified on Good Friday and is said to have risen from the dead on Easter Sunday, which is what Christians celebrate on Easter Sunday.

Determining Date of Easter

According to religious beliefs, Jesus rose from the dead the first Sunday following the Feast of Passover. However, the date of Passover can be difficult to determine. It is said to be the 14th of the Jewish month of Nisan and correspond to a full moon. This meant that rabbis had to determine when Passover would be celebrated each year, making it difficult for Christians to determine their own calendar. Eventually, the Christian church determined that Easter would be celebrated on the first Sunday after the Paschal full moon. This is the first full moon after the spring equinox celebrated on March 21. This means that Easter falls on the first full moon after March 21, making the date fall somewhere between March 22 and April 25 every year.

Previous Years

202429 MarFriGood Friday
30 MarSatEaster Saturday
1 AprMonEaster Monday
20237 AprFriGood Friday
8 AprSatEaster Saturday
10 AprMonEaster Monday