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Aïd el-Fitr

Aïd el-Fitr 2025, 2026 and 2027 in Chad

Aïd el-Fitr is celebrated in Chad with much religious fervour and general merriment. The national holiday comes on the first day of the Islamic month of Shawwal, immediately following the holy month of Ramadan and month-long period of fasting, prayer and devotion. It is one of the most important of all Muslim commemorations.

202530 MarSunAïd el-Fitr
31 MarMonAïd el-Fitr Holiday
202620 MarFriAïd el-Fitr
20279 MarTueAïd el-Fitr
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

All Islamic holidays are important in Chad. Aïd el-Fitr, however, ranks high on the list and is the holiday most associated with joy and jubilant celebration.

The date of Aïd el-Fitr is always the same on the Muslim Calendar. It comes on the first day of Shawwal right after the last day of Ramadan. But the date shifts by 11 days a year on the Gregorian or “Western” Calendar. Plus, a local moon-sighting committee is responsible for officially declaring when key dates of the Islamic calendar fall.

What do Muslims in Chad do for Eid? They begin with morning prayers, sometimes at a mosque or a “prayer field”. They also feast and indulge in traditional sweets, don new clothes if they can afford it and give gifts to the poverty-stricken among them.

Previous Years

202410 AprWedAïd el-Fitr
202321 AprFriAïd el-Fitr