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May Day

May Day 2025, 2026 and 2027 in Gambia

May Day in The Gambia is celebrated every 1 May, as it is in much of the rest of the world. This is a holiday to celebrate the contributions of workers to the economy and society, and also a time to highlight where progress still needs to be made towards fair and safe working conditions.

20251 MayThuMay Day
20261 MayFriMay Day
20271 MaySatMay Day
3 MayMonMay Day Holiday
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

Sometimes, the holiday is also referred to as Labour Day or International Workers’ Day. Originally, Labour Day derived from workers’ rights movements in Western countries during the 19th Century, including the 8-hour day movement. The 8-hour day movement sought for a balanced day for workers: eight hours at work, eight hours of sleep, and eight hours for family and recreation time.

Workers in The Gambia traditionally gather together to celebrate the progress made in regard to workers’ rights in this tiny African republic. Many laws have gone into effect that prevent the exploitation of workers that often happened in the past. They also may attend sports events, which are often held in Independence Stadium in the city of Bakau.

Previous Years

20241 MayWedMay Day
20231 MayMonMay Day