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King Letsie III's Birthday

King Letsie III’s Birthday 2025, 2026 and 2027 in Lesotho

King Letsie III has been constitutional monarch of Lesotho since 1990, except for a brief period in 1996 when his father Moshoeshoe II returned to power. After his father died in a car accident in 1996, Letsie continued his reign, and his birthday on 17 July is a national holiday.

202517 JulThuKing Letsie III's Birthday
202617 JulFriKing Letsie III's Birthday
202717 JulSatKing Letsie III's Birthday
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

Since 2003, the royal birthday celebration has had its main events rotated to different parts of the country. This move has given greater exposure to the holiday and led to each year’s celebration being very unique.

Just before official events begin for King Letsie III’s Birthday, there are ceremonies wherein medals and special awards are distributed to worthy soldiers, police, and private citizens. There is a also a 21-gun salute, festive singing of the national anthem, special prayers for the nation, a military parade, and an emphasis on traditional music and dance. Many also greet the king or cheer wildly upon seeing him in person.

Previous Years

202417 JulWedKing Letsie III's Birthday
202317 JulMonKing Letsie III's Birthday