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Id al Fitr

Id al Fitr 2025, 2026 and 2027 in Madagascar

Id al Fitr is celebrated by Muslims in Madagascar with much religious fervour and general merriment.

202530 MarSunId al Fitr *
202620 MarFriId al Fitr *
20279 MarTueId al Fitr *
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

Note: Id al Fitr is a public holiday observed by Muslims only.

The national holiday comes on the first day of the Islamic month of Shawwal, immediately following the holy month of Ramadan and month-long period of fasting, prayer and devotion. It is one of the most important of all Muslim commemorations.

Id al Fitr comes on the first day of the Islamic month of Shawwal, which is the day after the end of Ramadan. The fast is finally over, and the devout head to a mosque or prayer site to offer “Namaz” prayers early in the morning. They also listen to sermons on the significance of the day.

Then they return home to cook and consume delicious dishes. Other traditions include donning new clothes for “Eid”, giving gifts to family members and to the poor, and visiting cemeteries to decorate the graves of ancestors. Young girls make designs on their hands using hena. All in all, it is a much-anticipated day of joy and thankfulness.

Previous Years

202410 AprWedId al Fitr *
202321 AprFriId al Fitr *