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Prophet Muhammad's Birthday

Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday 2025, 2026 and 2027 in Senegal

Prophet Muhammad’s birthday is commemorated by Muslims in Senegal on 12 Rabi’ al-awwal of the Islamic calendar. Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday generally takes on a less religious and more “festive and fun” complexion in most Muslim countries compared with other Islamic holidays like Eid Al-adha or the fasting month of Ramadan.

20254 SepThuProphet Muhammad's Birthday
202625 AugTueProphet Muhammad's Birthday
202714 AugSatProphet Muhammad's Birthday
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

In Senegal, this is even more true. “Maouloud“, as it’s locally called, ranks among the biggest and loudest celebrations of the year. There are parties held by local families that last all night and even up to 5am next morning. Drums, music, singing, prayers, and recitations of the Koran by children are all thrown into the mix during these festivities.

Dressing up in your finest clothes and decking out your home with colourful decorations is the general rule. Right after attending morning mosque, it’s time to return home and prepare delicious foods for a feast with family and friends.

Previous Years

202415 SepSunProphet Muhammad's Birthday
202327 SepWedProphet Muhammad's Birthday