Eid al-Adha 2025, 2026 and 2027 in Sierra Leone
Eid al-Adha also goes by two other additional names in Sierra Leone: Tabaski Festival and Donkaysaly. But the holiday is otherwise the same as in the rest of the Islamic world.
Year | Date | Day | Holiday |
2025 | 6 Jun | Fri | Eid al-Adha |
2026 | 27 May | Wed | Eid al-Adha |
2027 | 16 May | Sun | Eid al-Adha |
17 May | Mon | Eid al-Adha Holiday | |
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates. |
Eid al-Adha means “Feast of the Sacrifice” and commemorates the willingness of Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ishmael at the request of Allah. However, once Ibrahim passed the test of obedience, Allah provided a goat to be sacrificed in Ishmael’s place.
Muslims learn of this Koranic tradition, or hear it recited yet again, at special Eid al-Adha mosque services every year. Some go on a once-in-a-lifetime pilgrimage to Mecca to ceremonially re-enact it. Most, however, simply participate in athe slaughter of a livestock animal close to home in Sierra Leone.
A ram, sheep, goat, cow, or other animal will be slaughtered for a festive Eid al-Adha feast by families of means. A third of the meat is for the family’s personal use, a third of it is for friend and relatives, and a third of it is to be given to the poor.
Previous Years
Year | Date | Day | Holiday |
2024 | 16 Jun | Sun | Eid al-Adha |
17 Jun | Mon | Eid al-Adha Holiday | |
2023 | 28 Jun | Wed | Eid al-Adha |