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All Saints’ Day

All Saints’ Day 2024, 2025 and 2026 in Togo

All Saints’ Day is a holiday in Togo every 1 November. On this day, Christian believers remember known and unknown saints of past centuries. All Saints’ Day is a significant occasion on the traditional Christian calendar, and is observed by millions of Christians around the world.

20241 NovFriAll Saints' Day
20251 NovSatAll Saints' Day
20261 NovSunAll Saints' Day
20271 NovMonAll Saints' Day
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

The holiday is also sometimes referred to as Feast of All Saints. It is a day of holy obligation for Roman Catholics in Togo, which means they are supposed to attend a special All Saints’ Day mass unless sick or otherwise unable to attend.

To understand the rationale for All Saints’ Day, you have to realise that many saints in Roman Catholicism have a special feast day on the day of their death or another date. Some don‘t, however. Some worthy to be considered saints are known only to God. And many of the saint-days are not much observed by most people. That‘s why a day to honour “all saints” was made a part of the Catholic Church‘s church calendar.

Previous Years

20231 NovWedAll Saints' Day
20221 NovTueAll Saints' Day