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Prophet Muhammad's Birthday

Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday 2024, 2025 and 2026 in Morocco

Most Muslims in Morocco celebrate Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday, known as “Eid el Mawlid” or “Mouloud”. The birthday of Muhammad is observed on the twelfth day of the third month of the Muslim year.

202416 SepMonProphet Muhammad's Birthday
20255 SepFriProphet Muhammad's Birthday
202625 AugTueProphet Muhammad's Birthday
202715 AugSunProphet Muhammad's Birthday
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

On Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday, Moroccans attend special mosque services to pray and to hear sermons.

In Morocco, the birthday of The Great Prophet is a time of family reunions. Families gather to feast, fellowship, and recite poems or sing songs about Muhammad’s life. There will also be special events in many cities that focus on the happenings of Muhammad’s life according to the Koran and Hadiths.

Previous Years

202328 SepThuProphet Muhammad's Birthday
20229 OctSunProphet Muhammad's Birthday