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Christmas 2025, 2026 and 2027 in Seychelles

Christmas in Seychelles is celebrated with a public holiday every 25 December, as it is in a majority of countries around the world. This Christian festivity commemorates the birth of Jesus, and is part of a 22-28 day season in the Christian calendar known as Advent.

202525 DecThuChristmas Day
202625 DecFriChristmas Day
202725 DecSatChristmas Day
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

In Seychelles, Christmas is one of the biggest holidays of the year. It is a mix of family, fun, religious devotion, and public celebration that the whole population gets involved in.

Many in Seychelles are Roman Catholic and will attend midnight mass on Christmas Eve to welcome the dawning of Christmas morning. They will enjoy a family meal at home, exchange presents, and wish each other a Merry Christmas. Some even hold parties with games and activities that last all night.

But one of the most popular things to do in Seychelles on Christmas Day or during the Christmas week is to attend any of the numerous beach parties and enjoy some time relaxing with family and friends at the beach.

Previous Years

202425 DecWedChristmas Day
202325 DecMonChristmas Day