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Proclamation of Independence Day
Burkina Faso

Proclamation of Independence Day 2025, 2026 and 2027 in Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso celebrates Proclamation of Independence Day each 11 December, This observance is also considered Burkina Faso‘s “national day”.

202511 DecThuProclamation of Independence Day
202611 DecFriProclamation of Independence Day
202711 DecSatProclamation of Independence Day
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

Oddly enough, it was on 5 August and not on 11 December that Burkina Faso became and was proclaimed to be fully independent of the French Empire. The December date was the day in 1958 when what was then called Upper Volta gained “autonomous” status within the French commonwealth.

There are a number of important military parades in Burkina Faso on Proclamation of Independence Day. Flags are on display everywhere, and the government generally puts on an event in the capital city of Ouagadougou with the country’s president presiding over the celebrations.

Previous Years

202411 DecWedProclamation of Independence Day
202311 DecMonProclamation of Independence Day