Zimbabwe Public Holidays
Discover upcoming public holiday dates for Zimbabwe and start planning to make the most of your time off.
The Republic of Zimbabwe currently celebrates 10 national holidays. The Easter holiday is usually a four-day event. Under the laws of Zimbabwe, the president retains the right to declare national holidays, either singular or recurring, at the discretion of the office.
The Public Holidays and Prohibition of Business Act, Chapter 21 Section 10 of the Laws of Zimbabwe, declare that any day that is declared a National Holiday must be observed with closure of businesses and paid days off for the employees.
The President of Zimbabwe is known to declare special holidays each year, sometimes with little notification. Employers must comply with these declarations once they have been posted in the National Gazette.
Each year the Parliament of Zimbabwe publishes the national holidays for the following year at the end of December.
It should be noted that the government and most businesses throughout the country of Zimbabwe close their business starting on Christmas Day and do not reopen until after the New Year Holiday. This practice is common, but it is not required by law. Paid holidays only include the official dates during this period of time.